Intereses y/o líneas de investigación
  • Ciencias de la Ingeniería en Alimentos y Bioprocesos (Biotecnología en Alimentos).

Publicaciones y patentes
  • Orellana-Palma, P., Guerra-Valle, M., Gianelli, MP., Petzold, G. (2021). Evaluation of freeze crystallization on pomegranate juice quality in comparison with conventional thermal processing. Food Bioscience, 41, 101106.
  • Casas-Forero, N., Orellana-Palma, P., & Petzold, G. (2021). Recovery of solutes from ice and concentrated fractions in centrifugal block cryoconcentration applied to blueberry juice. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 14, 1155–1168.
  • Guerra-Valle, M., Lillo-Perez, S., Petzold, G., & Orellana-Palma, P. (2021). Effect of freeze crystallization on quality properties of two endemic patagonian berries juices: Murta (Ugni molinae) and Arrayan (Luma apiculata). Foods, 10(2), 466.
  • Casas-Forero, N., Moreno-Osorio, L., Orellana-Palma, P. and Petzold, G. (2021). Effects of cryoconcentrate blueberry juice incorporation on gelatin gel: A rheological, textural and bioactive properties study. LWT, 138, 110674.
  • Orellana-Palma, P., Lazo-Mercado, V., Gianelli, MP., Hernández, E., Zúñiga, RN., Petzold, G. (2020). Influence of cryoconcentration on quality attributes of apple juice (Malus Domestica cv. Red Fuji). Applied Sciences; 10(3):959.
  • Orellana-Palma, P., Zúñiga, R., Takhar, P., Gianelli, M. and Petzold, G. effects of centrifugal block freeze crystallization on quality properties in pineapple juice. (2020). Chemical Engineering & Technology, 43: 355-364. https://doi.org2191/10.1002/ceat.201900387
  • Casas-Forero, N., Orellana-Palma, P. and Petzold, G. (2020). Comparative study of the structural properties, color, bioactive compounds content and antioxidant capacity of aerated gelatin gels enriched with cryoconcentrated blueberry juice during storage. Polymers, 12(12), 2769.
  • Orellana-Palma, P., Tobar-Bolaños, G., Casas-Forero, N., Zúñiga, R., & Petzold, G. (2020). Quality attributes of cryoconcentrated Calafate (Berberis microphylla) juice during refrigerated storage. Foods, 9(9), 1314.
  • Santana, Moreno, J., Petzold, G., Santana, R., Sáez-Trautmann, G. (2020). Evaluation of the temperature and time in centrifugation-assisted freeze concentration. Applied. Science. 2020, 10 (24), 9130.
  • Casas-Forero, N., Orellana-Palma, P., & Petzold, G. (2020). Influence of block freeze concentration and evaporation on physicochemical properties, bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity in blueberry juice. Food Science and Technology, 40(Suppl. 2), 387-394.
  • Refrigeration and Frozen Preservation of Vegetables. En Y. H. Hui, E. Özgül Evranuz (Ed.) Handbook of Vegetable Preservation and Processing, Second edition, (pp. 201-207) (2015)
  • Block freeze concentration assisted by centrifugation applied to blueberry and pineapple juices. (2015)
  • Ohmic heating and pulsed vacuum effect on dehydration processes and polyphenol component retention of osmodehydrated blueberries (cv. Tifblue). (2016)
  • Vacuum-assisted block freeze concentration applied to wine. (2016)
  • Application of ohmic heating/vacuum impregnation treatments and air drying to develop an apple snack enriched in folic acid. (2016)
  • Process Parameters of Vacuum-assisted Freeze Concentration. (2017)
  • Impact of block cryoconcentration on polyphenol retention in blueberry juice. (2017)
  • Protection of polyphenols in blueberry juice by vacuum-assisted block freeze concentration. (2017)
  • Retention of Ascorbic Acid and Solid Concentration via Centrifugal Freeze Concentration of Orange Juice. (2017)
  • Apple snack enriched with L-arginine using vacuum impregnation/ohmic heating technology. (2017)
  • Osmodehydration assisted by ohmic heating/pulse vacuum in apples (cv. Fuji): retention of polyphenols during refrigerated storage. (2017)
  • Enrichment of Apple Slices with Bioactive Compounds from Pomegranate Cryoconcentrated Juice as an Osmodehydration Agent. (2018)
  • Elaboration of orange juice concentrate by vacuum-assisted block freeze concentration. (2018)
  • Increasing the separation of block cryoconcentration through a novel centrifugal filter-based method. (2019)
  • Improvement of Centrifugal Cryoconcentration by Ice Recovery Applied to Orange Juice. (2019)

  • Grupo investig. consolidado - Tecnologías Emergentes y Componentes Bioactivos en Alimentos. (2015)
  • Desarrollo de un nuevo método para la obtención de concentrado micro encapsulado de antocianinas a partir de cultivares de maqui (Aristotelia chilensis) domesticado para la fabricación de alimentos funcionales y productos nutraceúticos. (2015)
  • Obtención de un alimento funcional a partir de arándanos parcialmente deshidratados (tiernizado) utilizando previamente un tratamiento con tecnología de ultrasonido como una alternativa de generar valor agregado para la exportación. (2015)
  • Application of ohmic heating, vacuum impregnation and an enriched osmotic solution -with bioactive compounds- to obtain high value added osmo-dehydrated apple plates in a short processing time. (2016)
  • Desarrollo y evaluación de una barra de frutas fortificadas con componentes bioactivos utilizando tecnología combinada de impregnación a vacío y secado a temperaturas moderadas. (2016)
  • Incorporación del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en la formación de estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y de los Alimentos de la Universidad del Bío-Bío”. (2017)
  • Innovación metodológica para estimular la metacognición en estudiantes de la FACSA. Investigador Alterno, Proyecto Fondo de Desarrollo de la Docencia FDD2019-31 (2019-2020).
  • Desarrollo y evaluación de una barra de frutas fortificadas con componentes bioactivos utilizando tecnología combinada de impregnación a vacío y secado a temperaturas moderadas. Director Alterno, FONDEF IDeA ID15I10180 (2016-2018).
  • Application of ohmic heating, vacuum impregnation and an enriched osmotic solution -with bioactive compounds- to obtain high value added osmo-dehydrated apple plates in a short processing time. Co-investigador, FONDECYT 1160761 (2016-2018).
  • Incorporación del aprendizaje basado en problemas (ABP) en la formación de estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud y de los Alimentos de la Universidad del Bío-Bío”. Colaborador, Fondo Desarrollo de Docencia UBB FDD2017-25 (2017).